Sunday, March 29, 2015

Personal Online Case Study

What elements of your teaching practice would be effective in an online learning environment, and what would need to be adjusted, or modified to allow you to successfully work with students within an online learning environment?  

I began looking into the IT&DML program in October 2013 because I was interested in being a technology “coach” in my school district and my Superintendent said I needed more experience.  I thought I had a lot of technology experience.  I was always the first in the building to volunteer for the latest technology pilot program.   I was the technology troubleshooter in the K-2 wing of my building as I thought I knew technology but thinking back to July 2014 when I had my first class I had no idea what I was going to learn and how I would gain about things that I thought were for “real technology” people.

My first blog post says it all!  I would love to read others blogs but I never once thought about starting my own.  As I looked back at my blog posts I “rediscovered” all of the ways I have integrated technology into my life first as a student and then as a teacher into my classroom.  I am first able to proudly show off my blog as well as my learning hub to other educators as well as the world.  I have used my YouTube page to share with various “How To” videos that I have created.  My YouTube page started with me struggling as I cooked with TPACK and then I began creating videos to share with other educators.  Using Geocaching and Easy Blogger Jr. allowed me to give step-by-step guides for people to incorporate into their everyday lives and classrooms.  I can tell you that the Anne Marie Lanning that began this program in July 2014 would have said there was no way I would learn how to do all of those things.  I’m still getting used it to creating videos but I’m learning how to be a confident learner which creates a confident teacher.

As a Kindergarten teacher in an urban school district I am lucky enough to receive a lot of technology support.  I was lucky enough to be chosen to pilot using an iPad in Kindergarten classroom two years ago.  I downloaded a few applications for my students to use but I didn’t realize what my students could really do with that piece of technology.  This past school year I was given a grade level set of ten iPads and because of what I learning in IT&DML program I able to give my students the chance to really use this amazing technology!  We began the year using the Easy Blogger Jr. application and my students have enjoyed this yearlong project!  It has given them the chance to be independent learners.  The application allows them to think and reflect on what they are learning and reading about. 

This past semester I became comfortable using Storify.  I was able provide a quick synopsis of what I had read and learned about each week as a story of sorts.  I have been thinking of incorporating a Storify for Kindergarten celebration this year.  It will be a fun way for students to show their families and friends what they have learned this year.  Luckily students have done a great job documenting the year themselves by using the iPads.   I am happy to have been given the chance to learn to use Storify because it has allowed me to become comfortable using it as a learner and now introducing it to my students as a teacher.

To be a better educator there needs to be constant adjustment and modification to allow for growth to happen.  By becoming a student again I have been constantly adjusting and modifying myself to successfully work with students within an online learning environment.  The IT&DML program has given me numerous resources that I have been lucky enough to share with my students.  Two weeks ago my school district rolled out Google Drive and Edmodo thanks to my experiences at UNH I have been able to help my colleagues discover the advantages of using these amazing resources.  This past semester I was able to work with Coursesites.  Thanks to my wonderful partners Tina and Lisa I was able to see the advantages of using this medium to present information to students. Tina created an amazing unit and Coursesites was a great way to highlight it. I wouldn’t be using it with my Kindergarten students but I would be able to use it for myself to keep assignments and share with their parents. 

As I am now half way completed with my IT&DML journey I am continuing to learn something new each day.  I would like to gain more confidence in using technology with students as well as myself being a learner.   Looking back to July 2014 when I officially started I have gained so much knowledge.  I certainly have learned more than I could have imagined and look forward to what is to come and I have to say my blog and Learning Hub have come a long way in what a positive way!  Who would have thought I would go from just reading blogs to now having a blog AND Learning Hub AND posting over 80 times! 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Week #12- Visions

Week Twelve Discussion

What do you think about iNACOL’s New Learning Models Vision? Are there limitations or disadvantages to such an approach? Is it feasible? Do you find that there are advantages for you as you create your own environments?
Personalization for every students learning is every teachers and parents ideal learning world.   Students need to be the center of learning instead of the test scores, which are becoming the most important part of teaching/learning.  iNACOL’s New Learning Models Vision provides that personalization for students while using technology to provide personalized instruction at their own pace.  I think that the New Learning Models Vision is unique, ideal, and flexible as we teach the next generation of learners.  Using the TPAC model that iNACOL has created for the New Learning Models Vision covers many of the areas of learning that can be challenging, 1:1 computing, teachers and administrators needing new skills to use with online education, personalization of instruction, and assessment including common core standards and curriculum to name a few.  Is this model feasible?  Only time will tell.
I think that there are lots of advantages of using iNACOL’s New Learning Models Vision but there are lots of disadvantages as well.   The optimist in me thinks that this is the new latest and greatest approach to teaching.  The pessimist in me thinks about possible funding cuts, constant repairing of technology and other equipment, and too much focus on technology and not enough on people and human interaction.  I do look forward to seeing this hopefully successful model empower students and educators alike.
As I read about NMC Horizon Project Preview I thought how over five years they planned to implement six new ideas into their teaching.  A lot of times as educators we feel as though we get everything thrown at us.  The Horizon Project plans to do pieces over time, which makes it easier for educators as well as students.  All of their ideas sound great I’m curious to see how the five-year plan turns out.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Story of Us Week Nine #WalkMyWorld

In what ways are you establishing your digital identity as you document various elements of your life? In the #WalkMyWorld project, how are you making your private history public online? How does the use of digital texts and tools modify the history or identity that you share?

When I began the IT&DML  program at UNH I thought I knew so many things about technology and about my digital identity.  I had my Twitter account private, my Facebook account private, and I thought I was doing everything right.  Now I have a public Twitter account and my Facebook is still private but I'm still learning how to do everything right!

My digital identity is out there for the world to see.  I have my blog, my learning hub, my YouTube Channel, my Google+ information, and of course my trusty public Twitter.  I'm choosing to use these various tools to establish my digital identity for my teacher/student life.  I want my Facebook,etc. to continue to be "private" that is part of my life that I want for my family and "friends".

By being apart of the #WalkMyWorld project I have made bits and pieces of my private history public online.  The first part of the project was showing the front door of my house.  I have continue to allow the public into various private parts of my life.  The use of digital texts and tools has modified the history and the identity I share.  Without them I wouldn't be able to share half of the things that I have posted.  Actually all of them, thank you Twitter!

#WalkMyWorld has been an interesting project to be apart of.  I will continue to grow my digital identity one day at a time.  I'm not that interesting most of the time.  I doubt that the public will want the paparazzi outside my door.  But as with most things you never know!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Digital Badges

Week Ten Discussions

Please use the forum to post your thoughts this week on Digital badges. Remember to access the readings first and any external content that may help you with the development of understanding. Please feel free to be as critical as you like.

I love digital badges!  Maybe it’s the Girl Scout in me or that I like the idea of badges but they are so fun!!  Mozilla Open Badges project has opened a door for digital recognition for completion of a task or skill (Ferdig and Pytash).  They show off your learning in a way.  They are great for teachers who seems don’t always get the credit for working on professional development or project.  What makes them great is they are individualized.  As part of our MOOC last semester we were able to earn five digital badges, each of us was able to create something that was individual to our grade our content area.  As a Kindergarten teacher my lessons were different than the Middle School or High School teachers but we able to earn the badge based on what would work for our students.  It’s a way to differentiate for teachers and their learning not just students learning.  It’s fun assessment tool as well, knowing that you were able to complete specific tasks to earn a badge also rewarding.  I also proudly printed out my badges for my students to see.  They thought it was so cool that I could earn all of these badges for being a teacher.  During indoor recess making badges also became some of my students thing to do!

The Randall, et al. article goes on explain the history of digital badges.  Digital badges are the modern day form of physical badges.  Similar to physical badges the Digital Backpack allows a person to display their badges to colleagues, potential employers, and other members of the community.  What is also great about badges is learners are able to complete the work at their own pace and earn badges along the way.  It also gives the learner ownership of their learning because they have earned them.  When earning badges with Mozilla different concepts award different badge and then form their own constellation.  How cool is that?  It’s like a learner’s own personal set of stars!  Of course the digital badging system hasn’t been perfected but it’s still new.  Overtime I’m hoping that digital badges will create a life of their own and maybe I can be known as a digital badge trailblazer!

Digital Badge Constellation

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Week #9 Storify

Educating the Heart

Week #9 Educating the Heart

Week Nine Discussions

Please use the reading and video this week to discuss what you find to be the most potent pieces that resonated with you this week.
I really enjoyed Sir Ken Robinson’s video about his thoughts about education.  He had a fun demeanor that brought in the audience and made everyone more interested about his thoughts about education.
One of the most interesting things he discussed was how everyone is put into groups such as special education and education in general.  We are put into categories early on and that is where we stay.  Instead we need to embrace these differences, as Sir Robinson states “Human life thrives off of diversity”.  Because of this lack of diversity there is a 40% dropout rate in the United States.  40% is a large number.  That means that six students in my Kindergarten class this year will not graduate high school!  At age five they are excited about learning and eager to talk about what they want to be when they grow up.  None of them say they don’t want to graduate high school but based on the information from Sir Robinson six will.  What will make them dropout?  For the most part they are happy to come to school each day and are excited to learn!  School should be about learning not about quitting.  Education should be the solution not the problem!
Robinson goes on to say there is a climate crisis in education.  Standardizing education is making it one size fits all.  We are losing our individuality.  I am differentiating in my classroom but I’m not giving an individual test that seems to all-important in education.  Robinson says that personalizing education is part of the solution to solve this crisis.  Most teachers do this on a daily basis without even realizing it; it’s the test that isn’t personalized.  Testing students based on what they know and they have been explicitly taught is different than giving them a test on things they no experience with.  Educators also need to bring the arts back into school, the center of education not an option.  We need to be mindful of our students learning.
The Watson article goes on to discuss how technology is creating a change in education.  Like with most things in education technology has a lot of acronyms, PLEs, LMS, etc., Watson suggests merging areas so the learner has more control.  Education shouldn’t just be a daily part of person’s life instead we need to create lifelong learners who contribute to society.  We as teachers need to make learning less teacher centered for meeting deadlines and learning criteria and make it student center.  That said it easier said than done, educators know that is the right thing to do it’s all of the lawmakers, etc. that need to realize this.  Less testing and more learning!