Monday, August 11, 2014

My Personal Learning Environment- Week #5- ED7714

The Sloep and Heerlen (2012) article broke down what Learning Networks (LN) really are and how they can be used.  After reading the article I am now able to see more clearly the difference between Learning Networks and my own Personal Learning Network.  Learning Networks are more of an enrichment of formal learning and they are strictly online.  I thought it was interesting that they mentioned that “Europe cannot afford to stop educating in youth once they reach adulthood” (Sloep and Heerlen, 2012) that means education is life long, it goes beyond formal schooling.  As a teacher I thought about CEU’s that are required to keep my Connecticut teachers certificate.  Each year I am expected to participate in some form of professional development, my continued learning goes beyond my formal education.  Some of my professional development is completed in face-to-face meetings but more and more I am participating in an online environment.  I am beginning to create and curate my own digital identity I need remember that it will change over time to be a true network.  Below you find my beginning stages of my connections in my Personal Learning Environment (PLE) using Coogle.  Much like my other work this summer it is only the beginning and I know it will continue to grow over time especially in this program!
My PLE using Coogle

Creative Commons License
This work by Anne Marie Lanning is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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