Sunday, November 30, 2014

Reflection on Module #5

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Crafting, building and learning about my Digital Identity has been an overwhelming process!  The picture above is basically clipart of me!  As I am finishing up my second semester of coursework I have a lot of emotions.  I have learned so much!  I was so happy when (I think) I was able to post my unit plan to Digital Text and Tools site which was a first.  When I did it over the summer it was a bit of a disaster but this time I was much more comfortable with Google Docs so it made it a bit easier.

My Blog is still a work in progress. I spent a lot of time checking the formatting and adding Creative Commons licensing to each post as well as giving credit to various pictures that I included in my blog.  Overall though I am happy with my blog.

My Learning Hub (click the link) is more than a work in progress!  I tried known, Google Sites, and now it's Wix.  Thanks to Laurie, I'm trying out the Wix thing.  I worked with known and Google Sites over the past sixteen weeks with no luck.  I'm going to spend the next month that I have "off" to try to really brush it up.  I'm hoping what everyone says about it never really being done is true!

So my Digital Identity is changing, I'm like a middle schooler right now.  Not totally sure where I fit in but hoping to find my Digital self soon.

Creative Commons License

This work by Anne Marie Lanning is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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