Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Online Curation as Teacher and Learner!

Connectivism to me...this is my first attempt at making a "Coogle"...I have a feeling as I get a better handle on Connectivism I will be changing my Connectivism map.

I thought George Siemens article about Connectivism broke down a lot of information about how technology is moving learning theories into the digital age.  It is interesting that technology is rewiring our brains to think a different way.  The information that we have is ever-changing and we need to change with it.  What I thought was most interesting is that most people don't ever realize that their thinking with technology is changing the way we think.  As our technology changes it is also growing and the best/worst part is it continues to give learners even more information.

Steve Rosenbaum quoted a Time Magazine article from 2004 saying that "Between the dawn of civilization throughout 2003 5 exabytes of information was created"  and that "Now that much information is now created every 2 days" (Schmidt, Google).  In ten years we have grown to a number so big I can't do the math!  Steve Rosenbaum described everyone being digital curators of sorts.  I guess that's why we creating so much information every 2 days.

I also thought the article about Online Self-Organization System was important because it was written over ten years ago and it still holds true today.  During that time the internet was just starting to become part of peoples everyday lives and Napster was only two years old.  Today the first and last thing that most people do is check their email, Facebook, and twitter without even leaving their bed.  Napster is only memory but iTunes let's you legally buy the music you want to listen to with just click of the mouse.  So as time has moved on so has the internet.  We as teachers need to move along with it.  It would be a disservice not only to our students but also to ourselves.

Robert Scoble's video shows how the speed of the news is moving more quickly because of online tools such as Twitter, Facebook, and Flipboard.  We are online curators, everything we see and read online is effecting those who view it and influencing what they share.  People need to be mindful of that being proactive online helps others as yourself.


  1. Interesting thoughts about what we create, curate, and possibly create. How much do we really create online everyday?

    1. I think we more curators online everyday, sometimes we are creating without even realizing it!
