Monday, August 18, 2014

My Digital Identity

As I look at my PLE I can see that I have a lot of connections. I broke them down into two main groups, my school community and my UNH community. It's very basic and over time I will be adding connections and moving some around. Over time my PLE will grow and evolve, much like my life. Adding and deleting people that can help me grow overtime.  

As I think about my digital identity I have added a lot over the past six weeks, I have started tweeting regularly, I now know what a Google Community is, I have a blog and I have my OWN YouTube channel. The YouTube channel is a big one for me and it has already come in handy. Last week I was on my schools scheduling team and we were talking about our vacations and I was telling another teacher how I had began Geocaching. She was interested in trying it out with her kids so I told her there was a step-by-step tutorial on my YouTube channel. She loved the tutorial and now thinks I am a rockstar with my own YouTube channel! I am looking forward to my growth as an educator and adding to my PLE.

I have already started my growth by looking at my peers blogs and postings.  All I can is "WOW"!  Lisa's is amazing, she has great links and it's so organized!  Mimi has TONS of connections.  Looking at hers make me want to have more connections.  She broke it down by the way she interacts with people, face-to-face, blogging, social media, and IT&DML program.  Cari choose to organize hers by categories, personal, resources, background, and community.  I think that is a unique way to organize her PLE and she has a lot of connections as well.  Overall, when I look at my peers PLEs they all look very different because to there organization,etc. but as I look closer at each one I see a lot of similarities which is encouraging as we are all beginning to build our PLE.  I wonder how different our PLEs will look this time next year!

Creative Commons License
This work by Anne Marie Lanning is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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