Saturday, August 9, 2014

Literacy Lab Response ED7710- Week #5

In the O’Brien article I was immediately struck by the story about Dan, a ninth grade student reading on a second grade reading level.  As an elementary school teacher I often think about students that have struggled with reading and wonder “Where are they now?”  Dan represented those students for me.  As each school year goes by students like Dan who struggle with reading fall further and further behind and then become to have a negative feelings towards school and reading.  These students deserve to succeed but instead are seen as alliterate based on reading assessments, etc.  What the Literacy Lab provided for him and other struggling learners was the ability to be successful and gain confidence as a learner.  Some people may argue that on traditional assessments Dan is still below grade level but the Literacy Lab was able to let Dan show what he really knew using multimedia technology.  Dan was finally able to succeed and hopefully gain confidence as a learner.

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