Sunday, September 14, 2014

Withknown or Without Known that is the Question!

I’m starting up my very own Digital Learning Hub.  I have decided to try out as my host site.  I thought things were going smooth as I was “asked” to enter all of my information of which I was happy to add not only my blog, but twitter and my fantastic YouTube channel page.  From there I have since stalled.  I have been trying to tweak it all day with no luck.  I keep thinking about what Ian saying that it’s okay to bail on a site if it’s not working for you.  I’m hoping to walk away from  for a little bit when I return my robot and I will rekindle our friendship.  So for now I have little to report other than I have inputted my basic information.  I’m hoping that soon my inner “Webmaster” will come out and have the most amazing Digital Learning Hub ever or at least something interesting to look at.  Look for updates @

Me and my very own R2D2 (Aleph from!
By Mobydoux (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Creative Commons License

This work by Anne Marie Lanning is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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